
Elisabeth Carrillo

Contracts and Grants Manager

Hybrid, LSB 3312

Manages Contract and Grant Awards.

Mandy Czarnecki

Academic Personnel Analyst

3310 Life Sciences

Paul Diaz

Purchasing Manager

Bio Receiving (Building 569) 1101

Managing and receiving all supplies for MCDB and EEMB. 

Catherine Drake

Academic Coordinator

1118 BSIF
Assists the MCDB and EEMB departments with running Intro Bio lecture and laboratory courses.

Tania Dunson

Management Services Officer

LSB 3322

Oversees the operations for MCDB.

Joseph Ferguson III

Senior Storekeeper

Anthony Galaviz

Graduate Program Advisor

3314 Life Sciences
Manages the graduate program and oversees fellowships, TAships, readers, and ensures students are on the right path for graduation.

Sayward Halling

Academic Coordinator

2219A Biological Sciences Instructional Facility
Works cross-departmentally with MCDB and EEMB to oversee the administration of lecture and laboratory Intro Bio courses.

Andrew Kröes

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

3316 Life Sciences
Manages the undergraduate program and oversees student petitions, inquiries, and is the special programs counselor.

Tucker Lowell

Administrative Assistant

Duties - Seminar Program Coordinator, Concur management, ESCIs, Communications, Transportation, Travel and Entertainment.

Swapna Madineni

Director of Finance

LSB 3326

Manages budget and finance operations.

Alice Nguyen

Academic Coordinator for Intro Bio

4326 Life Sciences
Oversees the Introductory Biology Program, including both lecture and lab courses. Co-director of the Ocean Global Change Biology REU program.

Nikola Pavlov

Personnel Manager

3310 Life Sciences
Manages all non-academic staff payroll and hiring, graduate student researcher and postdoc payroll, timekeeping, benefits, and HR related issues.

Oscar Perez

Lab Manager

1118 Biological Sciences Instructional Facility
Manages the Introductory Biology Program laboratory courses.

Dylan Peterson

Upper Division Academic Coordinator

2130 Biology II
Prepares laboratory classes, supervises MCDB common use Bio 2 facilities.

Claire Ann Roberts

Lab Coordinator

Coordinates the Introductory Biology Program laboratory courses.

Tanja Stoyan, Ph.D.

Director, Pharmacology & Biotechnology Program, Academic Coordinator / Lecturer

2316 Life Sciences
Coordinates and teaches laboratories for seniors (Pharmacology, Cell Biology, Immunology). Supervises MCDB teaching facility in LSB.